# WordPress Plugin::PressLine

PHP, Programming @ 10 October 2007

PressLine 用来根据你的 blog 内容生成一个时间线的图表出来,可以通过鼠标拖动查看,效果就像 GoogleMap 那样。点击这里 看本站的演示。


  1. 解压插件安装包,把整个 `pressline` 目录上传到你的 `/wp-content/plugins/` 目录下;
  2. 更改刚才上传的 `pressline` 目录权限为 777(Windows服务器用户可以跳过这步);
  3. 进入你的 Blog 后台,在 Plugins 菜单下激活 `PressLine` 插件;
  4. 上传插件包中的 `pressline.tpl.php` 文件到你目前在用的模板目录下;
  5. 建立一个新页面,命名为 `PressLine`,页面模板选择 `PressLine`,内容保持为空,发布该页面;
  6. 完成,在前台点击你新建立的 PressLine 页面即可看到效果。


A simple plugin used to display your blog entries on a ajax timeline. Just like the googlemaps.

Feature List:

  • This plugins base on the time line library called <TimeLine> at http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/
  • Support for WordPress 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
  • Caches the output


  1. Upload the whole directory `pressline` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  2. Change the directory `pressline` access to `777` vip your ftp client or ssh client(windows server user can ignore this step).
  3. Activate `PressLine` through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. Upload `pressline.tpl.php` to your current used theme directory, your can change this file content to change the timeline style.
  5. Write a new page called `PressLine`, use the page template called `PressLine`, keep empty content then publish it.
  6. Well done.

Change Log:

  • 2007-10-08: Version 0.1 release.

Special Thanks:
mulberry: http://yanfeng.org/blog

3 Responses to “WordPress Plugin::PressLine”

  1. Nice from Thailand Says:

    Do I need to add some code in pressline.tpl.php ?
    because it doesn’t call javascript like your site in the header. so no timeline data show.
    Then I try to copy from your page (http://avenger.name/pressline/)
    but I don’t know what is the appropriate code

    I’m sorry for my english.

  2. avenger Says:

    @Thailand friend: 你好
    This plugins base on the time line library called at http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/

    So you must add the script code in your tpl.php file:

    <script src="http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/api/timeline-api.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Plz flow the installatoin step 4 and 5, the base js lib is already inside the tpl.php file yet. And usual you do not need add is your self.

  3. Nick Says:

    I tried to implement this after I found it at WordPress, but it didn’t work. All I got was an empty rectangular border with the PressLine header.

    Chinese word = 你好

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